Shoe Studs Reciprocating Compression Tester
The GT-7049-KIM is specifically designed to determine the resistance of shoe studs to reciprocating compression.
To conduct the shoe studs compression test, this instrument applies reciprocating compression to the test specimens for a specific stroke at a constant speed until the predetermined number of test cycles is reached.
PRINCIPLE:The GT-7049-KIM is specifically designed to determine the resistance of shoe studs to reciprocating compression. With its high-precision control system, this instrument is capable of performing reciprocating compression to the test specimen for a specific stroke at a constant speed until the predetermined number of test cycles is reached.
AUTHENTIC SIMULATION:Replicating real-world conditions of athletic footwear under dynamic compression, providing accurate and reliable test data.
DURABILITY ASSESSMENT:Assisting manufacturers in assessing the resistance of shoe studs and shoe materials to dynamic compression for product service life evaluation.
MATERIALS PROPERTIES ANALYSIS:Helps manufacturers analyze the compression characteristics of various materials such as sponge, foam, and cushion materials.
QUALITY ASSURANCE:Enables manufacturers to ensure and maintain consistent product quality and performance in quality assurance, meeting specific standards and testing requirements.
PRODUCT DESIGN IMPROVEMENT:Supports manufacturers in improving product design during the product development stage.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT:Providing valuable insights into the behavior and properties of materials for both material science and sports science.