Home Product Footwear & Leather T... Flex Testers GT-7071-BA

Bally Leathers Flexing Tester

The GT-7071-BA is designed specifically for conducting flexing tests on leather and fabric materials.
To assess the flexing resistance, test specimens are subjected to a specified number of flex cycles and evaluated for the degree of damage.

PRINCIPLE: The Bally leathers flexing tester simulates authentic flexing behavior of leather or fabric materials under real-world operational conditions to determine their flex resistance.
WIDE MATERIAL APPLICATIONS: Designed to assess the flex resistance of a wide range of materials, especially for leather and fabric.
ADJUSTABLE FLEX CYCLE: Maintains consistent test conditions by adjusting flex cycles as needed, ensuring a reliable operational environment.
DURABILITY EVALUATION: Simulates authentic flexing stress on materials to evaluate their quality and durability.
PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION: Enables manufacturers to verify the flex characteristics, ensuring that new products meet expected performance.
QUALITY ASSURANCE: Assists manufacturers in maintaining consistent product quality, enhancing the overall efficiency of quality assurance processes.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: Supports researchers in research and development to evaluate flexing performance across a variety of materials, facilitating the design of new materials.
PRODUCTION PROCESS CONTROL: Allows operators to monitor the flex performance of materials during production process, ensuring consistent production process control.
STANDARD CONFORMITY: Ensures that products meet industry standards and satisfy quality expectations in the market.

Product Function Descriptionpdf download

Product Specification:SATRA TM55
Grips 12 sets
Test angle 22.5° ± 0.5°
Test speed 100 ± 5 cpm
Counter LCD display, 0 to 99,999,999
Dimensions (approx.) 117 cm ×58 cm ×76cm
Power 1∮, AC 220V, 50Hz
*Specification and content are subjected to change without notice.

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